For further information
please download the PDF Document:For further information
please download the PDF Document:NWT Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program
Monitoring of cumulative impacts to the environment falls within the scope of the MVRMA. It involves the collection and analysis of both data and information respecting land use, water use, and deposits of waste in the Mackenzie Valley. The Government of the Northwest Territories takes up this responsibility by being a means of coordination and by funding relevant environmental research projects. The Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated, on behalf of Sahtu Dene and Metis, is entitled to participate in the fulfilment of this part of the MVRMA.
The means of participation for the SSI occurs through its membership in the NWT CIMP Steering Committee. We appoint one member and one alternate. The steering committee provides guidance and oversight to program staff, who are housed within the GNWT. The steering committee also performs an annual review of project funding applications which relate in some way or other to cumulative impact monitoring in the Northwest Territories.
Member: Dakota Erutse Alternate: Orlena Modeste
NWT Environmental Audit
An environmental audit, conducted every five years, is a requirement of the MVRMA. This audit is a technical evaluation whereby an independent auditor seeks to understand the availability or quality of information needed to determine environmental trends, seeks to understand the effectiveness of the MVRMA regulatory system in protecting the environment from significant adverse impact, and seeks to understand the effectiveness of the methods used for cumulative impact monitoring in the Northwest Territories. The Government of the Northwest Territories is the coordinating body for this audit. The Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated, on behalf of Sahtu Dene and Metis, is entitled to participate in the audit.
The means of participation for the SSI occurs through its membership in the NWT Environmental Audit Sub-Committee. We appoint one member and one alternate. The sub-committee is responsible for fixing the terms of reference for the environmental audit. The sub-committee also provides appropriate guidance to the auditor. NWT CIMP staff aid and coordinate the sub-committee.
Member: Dakota Erutse Alternate: Orlena Modeste
NWT Climate Change Council
The Government of the Northwest Territories leads a number of initiatives in response to climate change in the Northwest Territories. In seeking to align its response with community perspectives and interests, the GNWT has sought the involvement of Indigenous governments and organizations by creating the NWT Climate Change Council. The council is a means for information sharing and collaboration with non-elected staff of the GNWT. The Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated maintains membership in the council.
Member: Orlena Modeste Alternate: Dakota Erutse
NWT Climate Change Adaptation Committee
Adaptation and resilience to climate change are the foci of two federal funding programs: the Climate Change Preparedness in the North (CCPN) program and the Climate Change Health Adaptation Program (CCHAP). These programs are run by Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and by Indigenous Services Canada, respectively. Funding is project-based and available to applicants from the Northwest Territories. The Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated maintains membership in the NWT Climate Change Adaptation Committee. This committee reviews funding proposals and provides advice to the program managers of these two funds.
Member: Dakota Erutse Alternate: Joanne Speakman
NWT Regional Contaminants Committee
The Northern Contaminants Program is a federal program, the broad aims of which are to address environmental contaminants in the North, including the Northwest Territories, and to address how these contaminants intersect with humans. Interests include but are not limited to the presence of contaminants in traditional harvests and food, the communication of relevant research and information, and the assessment of risks to human health. Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada provides program coordination. Funding is available on a project basis and is open to applicants from the Northwest Territories.
The NWT Regional Contaminants Committee serves as a means for communication and information sharing among funding applicants, researchers, and NWT communities and partners. The committee performs reviews of funding applications and makes recommendations. The Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated maintains membership in the committee.
Member: Dakota Erutse Alternate: Orlena Modeste

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