Sahtu Renewable Resource Board website
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Our mandate is defined in the Sahtú Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (1993). In learning about our mandate, we refer to the overall objectives of the land claim in Section 1, as well as Chapter 13 on Wildlife Harvesting and Management, which we fondly refer to as “our chapter.”
We’ve included the overall land claim objectives as well as Chapter 13 on this page for easy reference.
1.1.1 The Sahtu Dene and Metis and Canada have negotiated this agreement in order to meet these objectives:
(a) to provide for certainty and clarity of rights to ownership and use of land and resources;
(b) to provide the specific rights and benefits in this agreement in exchange for the relinquishment by the Sahtu Dene and Metis of certain rights claimed in any part of Canada by treaty or otherwise;
(c) to recognize and encourage the way of life of the Sahtu Dene and Metis which is based on the cultural and economic relationship between them and the land;
(d) to encourage the self-sufficiency of the Sahtu Dene and Metis and to enhance their ability to participate fully in all aspects of the economy;
(e) to provide the Sahtu Dene and Metis with specific benefits, including financial compensation, land and other economic benefits;
(f) to provide the Sahtu Dene and Metis with wildlife harvesting rights and the right to participate in decision making concerning wildlife harvesting and management;
(g) to provide the Sahtu Dene and Metis the right to participate in decision making concerning the use, management and conservation of land, water and resources;
(h) to protect and conserve the wildlife and environment of the settlement area for present and future generations; and
(i) to ensure the Sahtu Dene and Metis the opportunity to negotiate self-government agreements.
13.1.1 This chapter has the following objectives:
(a) to protect for the future the right of participants to gather, hunt, trap and fish throughout the settlement area at all seasons of the year;
(b) to conserve and protect wildlife and wildlife habitat and to apply conservation principles and practices through planning and management;
(c) to provide participants with certain exclusive, preferential and other harvesting rights and economic opportunities related to wildlife;
(d) to respect the harvesting and wildlife management customs and practices of the participants and provide for their ongoing needs for wildlife;
(e) to involve participants in a direct and meaningful manner in the planning and management of wildlife and wildlife habitat;
(f) to integrate planning and management of wildlife and wildlife habitat with the planning and management of all types of land and water use in order to protect wildlife and wildlife habitat;
(g) to ensure that traditional harvesting by other aboriginal peoples who have harvested in the settlement area can be accommodated in this agreement; and
(h) to deal fairly and equitably with persons who hunt, trap, fish or conduct commercial wildlife activities in the settlement area and who are not participants.
13.8.1 (a) A Renewable Resources Board shall be established to be the main instrument of wildlife management in the settlement area. The Board shall act in the public interest.
(b) The Board shall be established by virtue of settlement legislation at the date thereof.
(c) Wildlife shall be managed in the settlement area in accordance with this agreement including its objectives.
13.8.2 (a) Where, by legislation, any other renewable resources board (“the new board”) is established having jurisdiction in an area within the Mackenzie Valley which includes the settlement area:
(i) the new board shall assume the powers and responsibilities of the Board;
(ii) the Board shall merge with and become a regional panel of the new board. The regional panel shall be reduced to five members of which two shall be nominees of the Sahtu Tribal Council;
(iii) the regional panel shall exercise the powers of the Board except that where, in the opinion of the new board, any decision or recommendation may affect renewable resources in an area within the jurisdiction of the new board outside the settlement area, the decision or recommendation shall be made by the new board. At least one member of the new board making such a decision or recommendation shall be a nominee of the Sahtu Tribal Council; and
(iv) decisions of the regional panel shall be decisions of the new board and subject to review by the Minister in the same manner as decisions of the Board.
(b) The Sahtu Tribal Council shall be consulted with respect to any such legislation.
Establishment and Structures
13.8.3 The Board shall consist of seven members appointed as follows:
(a) six members and six alternate members to be appointed jointly by the Governor in Council and Executive Council of the Government of the Northwest Territories (“Executive Council”), of whom three members and three alternate members shall be appointed from nominees put forward by each of the Sahtu Tribal Council and government, provided that government shall ensure that the Board shall include at least one resident of the Northwest Territories who is not a participant; and
(b) a chairperson, resident in the settlement area, to be nominated by the members of the Board appointed under (a) and appointed jointly by the Governor in Council and Executive Council.
13.8.4 (a) Board members shall not be considered to have a conflict of interest by reason only of being public servants or employees of the organizations of the participants.
(b) Each member shall, before entering upon his or her duties as such, take and subscribe before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths, an oath in the form set out in schedule III to this chapter.
13.8.5 In the event that the Board does not recommend a chairperson within 90 days after the other members of the Board are appointed, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development jointly with the Minister of Renewable Resources of the Government of the Northwest Territories shall, after consultation with the Board, recommend a chairperson to the Governor in Council and Executive Council.
13.8.6 Should any party fail to nominate members to the Board within 90 days of the date of settlement legislation, the
Governor in Council and Executive Council may jointly appoint any persons to complete the Board.
13.8.7 Should a member resign or otherwise leave the Board, the body which nominated that member shall nominate a replacement within 90 days.
13.8.8 A vacancy in the membership of the Board does not impair the right of the remainder to act.
13.8.9 Each member shall be appointed to hold office for a specific term not to exceed five years. A member may be reappointed.
13.8.10 A member may be removed from office at any time for cause by the Governor in Council and Executive Council
after consultation with or at the request of the body which nominated the member.
Administration and Procedure
13.8.11 The Board may make by-laws:
(a) respecting the calling of meetings of the Board; and
(b) respecting the conduct of business at meetings of the Board, including in-camera meetings, and the
establishment of special and standing committees of the Board, the delegation of duties to such committees
and the fixing of quorums for meetings of such committees.
13.8.12 A majority of the members from time to time in office constitutes a quorum of the Board.
13.8.13 The Board shall have, subject to its approved budget, an Executive Director and such staff, professional and
technical advisors and consultants as are necessary for the proper conduct of its affairs.
13.8.14 The Board shall be accountable to government for its expenditures.
13.8.15 It is intended that there be no duplication in the functions required for the public management of wildlife.

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